Brazos Bend State Park (Again)

March 28, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

It seems I am always extolling the virtues of Brazos Bend State Park. So, why break tradition and stop now?

At this time of year, every couple of weeks the parks hosts a Friday morning bird walk. The walk is free (although you must pay park admission if you don't have a Texas state park pass. You don't have a state park pass?! You ninny! Go get one - now! But, I digress...). Walks start at 8:30 at the 40-Acre Lake parking area. Birds you may see this time of year include:

Tricolored Heron - I'm not sure what he caught here; maybe a tadpole?

American Bittern - this is one of THE parks to see this bird. I believe this specimen is perfecting moves for a "Dancing with the Stars" audition.

Little Blue Heron - he's not blue, you say? Well, he'll grow into it.

White Ibis - "I wonder if this is edible?" Ultimately, he decided it was not and dropped it.

Cute little Barn Swallows - who doesn't like Barn Swallows?

And, the park is home to many many wonderful alligators, deer and such.

Tomorrow's weather should be fantastic in the Houston area. Why not go to Brazos Bend?

P.S. If there's a gator on the trail (it happens a lot), walk BEHIND it. ;)


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