Why Travel Nat Geo?

October 03, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I've been on a number of trips with National Geographic Expeditions.  Why do I like Nat Geo? First, the trips are well-planned, experts and guides are the best, and the destinations offered are outstanding. Second, there are always surprises.

Case in point - On the first full day of our Ethiopia photo tour, we visited the National Museum of Ethiopia. We toured the museum plus got an insider view of areas not open to the public. But, the icing on the cake was Lucy. Yes, THE Lucy. As an undergraduate student in Anthropology, I'd studied Lucy and related hominids. 

We were taken to the museum's third floor, through a locked corridor, through a locked door, and there she was! On a conference table - no barrier, no glass. Full access to one of the most important and well-known hominid fossils. How amazing is that?!


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